Galleries 3
Collections 0
Groups 0
Created 25-Mar-07
Modified 22-Apr-07
The first Pentax World Day took place on 19 March 2006 as an initiative of avid Pentaxians from Australia and South Africa. The idea of the PWD is to see the whole world with the eyes of Pentax photogs on one specific day. The first pictures are usually uploaded from Japan and the Philippines, the the Aussies join in afterwards, and as soon as it dawns in Europe The Dutch, Polish, Slovenes, Austrians etc. join in to give way to the Americans as the light travels westwards, the final pictures coming from California's Pacific coast. Currently the PWD gallery is hosted at

First Pentax World Day, 19 March 2006, submissions

Visitors 60
7 photos
Created 11-Mar-07
Modified 11-Mar-07
First Pentax World Day, 19 March 2006, submissions

Pentax World Day, 25 March 2007, submissions

Visitors 83
11 photos
Created 25-Mar-07
Modified 25-Mar-07
Pentax World Day, 25 March 2007, submissions

Pentax related

Visitors 104
4 photos
Created 9-Apr-24
Modified 9-Apr-24
Pentax related